One of the strongest aspects of the Nightstalker subclass is that you can make yourself and your allies invisible with the smoke bomb melee ability, and paired with the Omnioculous Exotic chest armor and Gambler’s Dodge, you’ll almost always have a smoke bomb at the ready for near-permanent invisibility. Primary armor stats: Recovery, Mobility.Subclass: Nightstalker, Way of the Pathfinder, Gambler’s Dodge.Aside from the usual Taking Charge, Stacks on Stacks, and Supercharged trio, I recommend either High-Energy Fire for stronger damage or Protective Light for extra safety while you’re mowing down hordes of foes.
Since you’ll be out in the open a lot, having high Recovery and Resilience will help you shrug off damage.Ĭharged with Light mods have less of an impact here than they do in the other builds, but they’re still good. Make sure to equip a good auto rifle if you’re using Xenophage, or a good machine gun if you’re using Sweet Business. Alternatively, you could use the Exotic machine gun Xenophage if you want a strong boss damage weapon. Together with Actium War Rig’s auto-reloading, this ensures a constant stream of bullets until you’re completely out of ammo. A great auto rifle to use with Actium War Rig is the Exotic Sweet Business, which also reloads itself whenever you pick up primary ammo bricks. This is because it steadily reloads your auto rifles and machine guns for you as you’re firing them. Thankfully, the Actium War Rig Exotic exists, and with it, you’ll almost never have to reload your auto rifle and/or machine gun again. Shooting guns is fun, but reloading isn’t. Important mods: Taking Charge, Stacks on Stacks, Supercharged, High-Energy Fire OR Protective Light.Primary armor stats: Recovery, Resilience.

Your hammer will also do more damage each time thanks to the Roaring Flames melee damage boost that Code of the Devastator gives you with each hammer kill.

All you need to do is sprint for a few seconds before throwing your hammer, and it will send out a large electric area-of-effect attack when it connects with enemies. My personal favorite Titan build for pure fun factor is the “Thor build,” a setup that gives your Code of the Devastator throwing hammer the ability to send out Arc shockwaves thanks to Dunemarchers.